Release Notes - 2023-09-27

Written By Milesh Patel (Administrator)

Updated at September 27th, 2023

Table of Contents

What's Changed

Applies to iOS version 1.21.956, Android version 1.21.852.


Roamer continues to be improved in line with enhancements to the platform. Some of the new elements in Roamer, are listed below. 

  • Roamer (Android) has been upgraded to use the latest version of the Google play Services APIs to ensure ongoing support for newer versions of Android. 
  • An additional parameter has been put in place to determine if Cost Codes should use the look-up or free-form option.


We continue to modify existing parts of the app to improve them or keep them up to date with other parts of the IBSS software.

  • Resolved an issue where a user would not be able to navigate to the space schedule in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a date selection issue when trying to find a colleague via Roamer.
  • Fixed an issue where, when searching for a workspace, it was possible to incorrectly set the start and end times.
  • Resolved an issue where Roamer (Android) when crash when notification was received unless the user had them turned on. 
  • Fixed an issue where, if ‘As soon as possible’ was used as the requirement for searching for a space an access denied message would be shown.
  • Fixed an issue where search for an Amenity would not return the correct results.
  • Resolved an issue in iOS, where a booking start time would revert to 00:00 when navigating from the search results to the booking page.
  • Fixed an issue, where if your user has elevated privileges around bypassing booking restrictions, Roamer would not take this in to consideration.

Known Issues

Android: An icon appears on the task bar to inform users when the camera is active. If scanning a QR code in the app Android does not always accurately reflect when the camera is deactivated, and the icon may still show for a short period of time.

Android: When attempting to update a linked space in a booking, Roamer may crash.

iOS: The banner at the top of the homepage may continue to show the loading icon, despite having loaded everything. Simply pulling down the banner again, will refresh the page as normal.