Data Collection

Written By Sam Walton (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 17th, 2023

Applies to Version 1.12 or higher

This page explains what data we collect and store when you use the IBSS Platform, how we make use of the data, and the steps we undertake to ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability of the service.

User Data and User Preferences

  • Email Address
    • Provided the 3rd Party Identity Provider
    • Entered by the user when logging on to the IBSS Platform
    • Used to associate the user with bookings, notifications, tasks, and visitors
  • Name (First Name, Last Name)
    • Provided the 3rd Party Identity Provider, may be empty/blank
    • Used to address users by their name in communication by IBSS via email or within the apps
  • User Preferences
    • Default Building / Preferred Floor - mandatory
    • Working Day - optional, if not specified building defaults will be set
    • Search Result View (list or map) - optional, list by default
    • Notifications - optional, off by default
    • Personal Calendar Integration - optional, off by default
    • Location Tracking (within the building) - optional, off by default

System Data

In addition to the user specific data a variety of system usage data is collected throughout the system, however this data is anonymous (i.e. no correlation to the user who executing the action), and is used primarily for the improvement of the Core IBSS Platform and the IBSS Apps