Pagination on the table-view pages

Written By Natalia Povrozniak (Administrator)

Updated at May 16th, 2024

There are many pages in Flex, OneLens 360, and Admin Portal that display information in form of a table: lists of bookings, tasks, visitors, etc. You can gradually load more items into these tables, and this is indicated in the bottom right corner of each page. When opening a page with a table view, you can see a list of items that is downloaded by default, and then you can use arrows or Next or Load more buttons to load more items to the lists.

⚠️ There are a few things to note about pagination in IBSS apps:

  • Next to the arrows that move you to the next or previous page, you will see the number of the row that you are currently viewing out of the downloaded ones. Table-view pages don't show the total number of pages and rows that exist in the system. To load more pages with results, click the next arrow >. If no more pages are loading, it means that you've reached the end of the results list. You can go back to the loaded pages.
  • When you select some rows on the page with intention to work with that selection, stay on the current page until you complete needed actions. Otherwise, if you move on to the next or previous page with results, your selection of rows is cleared.
  • Search and filter on the table-view pages works across the downloaded results only. To search within more than the first default number of results, you have to manually load those tables first.