No Google Play Store on Inspire device?

Find out why the Google Play Store is not available on the Inspire device and what alternatives are available

Written By Sam Walton (Super Administrator)

Updated at October 10th, 2023

Table of Contents

Applies to Android 1.10 or higher

The IBSS client apps are officially available via the Google Play Store. This is the safest and most globally available method of getting access to the latest versions of these apps and the only recommended method suggested by ICONICS.

Some of the validated devices for IBSS Inspire however may not have the Google Play Store app installed for a variety of reasons such as not having the required minimum Android version or simply using AOSP builds of Android that do not bundle Google Services. In this case, there are some alternative options to getting the app installed.

Alternative Store Apps

ICONICS does not promote or hold any liability for any 3rd party Android apps, the information provided here is for reference.


Alternative app store apps such as APKPure provide similar functionality to the Google Play Store in that they allow you to search for and install Android app files (apk's). To install these alternative store apps, the .apk will need to be downloaded onto the device and more importantly allowing "unknown sources" is required to install the apps.

Once the store app has been downloaded and installed to the device, search for IBSS Inspire and select to download and install the app.

You can now configure and use the IBSS Inspire app.