Utilisation Analytics Dataset

Written By Sam Walton (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 17th, 2023

Table of Contents

Applies to Version 1.10 and higher

Space Utilisation

One of the core features of the IBSS Platform is the generation of utilisation analytics data. This data is generated using booking and occupancy sensor data to provide an accurate representation of the usage of your space. 


The key measures that are recorded for each space are defined below. 

Space Utilisation (%)
The percentage of time that the space was used (occupied, signs-of-life, booked, or reserved) during the time it was available for use. E.g. Desk available for 8 hours a day but only used for 6 hours = 75% space utilisation.
Capacity Utilisation (%)
How well is the space used during the time it was available for use. E.g. 1 person in a 4 person meeting room for the whole day = 25% capacity utilisation.
Peak Utilisation (%)
The maximum usage of the space during the time that is was available for use. E.g. if at any point in the day a 4 person meeting room has 4 occupants, even for a few minutes, peak utilisation = 100%

At the highest level, the Daily Summary data for each space is then aggregated into a single utilisation record per space. This is then rolled up into floor level summaries, building level summaries and finally up to region level summaries.