What do the map colours mean?

Written By Sam Walton (Super Administrator)

Updated at April 25th, 2024

The map view in the IBSS apps helps booking the space precisely, finding your way around the office, and understanding the real-time state of the spaces within your building and around the space that you have booked.

To improve accessibility and readability of the view, the map has the cleaner look and better contrast comparing to its previous look:

New map v2 Map v1

Colour definitions for maps in Roamer and Flex

Dark blue

Not available for new booking

Booked by someone else

Light grey Out of service
Green Available if you view the map with search results

Could be free

Not currently occupied, but either a booking is about to start, or someone has just left this space

Purple Non-bookable spaces that you can view or help you with wayfinding

Colour definitions for maps in Inspire

Light grey Out of service
Green Available

Could be free

Not currently occupied, but either a booking is about to start, or someone has just left this space

Red Occupied
Purple Non-bookable spaces that you can view or help you with wayfinding