Configuring Guest

Written By Natalia Povrozniak (Administrator)

Updated at April 12th, 2024

IBSS Guest is a configurable end user application that can be customised to organisation requirements. The following table defines the available configuration options for the app.

⚠️ Set the time zone on the device to match the time zone for the building.

Setting name
Device_No_Web_Browser Disables web browser links in the help section
Device_Debug_PinCode Overrides the default debug mode PIN
The path to the client logo
The path to the brand logo (used when IBSS has been OEM'd by partners)
An error string to display when the app has come across a fatal error
The OEM mode for the app:
0 - Standard mode. No client logo shown and IBSS logo shown as brand
1 - Custom mode. Client logo shown and IBSS logo shown as brand
2 - OEM mode. Client logo shown and custom logo shown as brand
App orientation:

Undefined = 0

Landscape = 1

Portrait = 2

LandscapeFlipped = 4

PortraitFlipped = 8

VmConfigModel VM_Config  
Insp_VM_Page_Delay The time in seconds before the app will return back to the home page. Default is 30 seconds.