Microsoft 365 Calendar Integration

Written By Sam Walton (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 17th, 2023

Applies to Version 1.11 or later

The IBSS Platform supports integration with Microsoft 365 Calendar via the Graph API. The IBSS Platform supports both Appointments for Workspaces (e.g. desks) and Meetings for Support Spaces (e.g. meeting rooms).

Appointments for Workspaces

To enable showing Desk Bookings in the users' individual Microsoft 365 Calendars, set the Bkng_Sync_Enabled parameter to 1 (Office 365 Calendar) for the selected Building(s).

An Individual User can override (disable) this setting for themselves within their personal preferences in IBSS Roamer or IBSS Flex.

Meetings for Support Spaces

Enable External Booking System integration for Microsoft 365 Calendars, by setting the Bkng_Ext_System parameter to 1 (Microsoft 365 Calendar) for the selected Building(s).

When creating a booking in IBSS Roamer or IBSS Flex, it will automatically add the booking to the user's calendar, and also invite anyone else included in the IBSS booking as part of the meeting. The selected Support Space (e.g. meeting room) will be added to the Microsoft 365 Calendar meeting as a resource.

Meetings will only be send out to the Office 365 Calendar when the following conditions are met

  • The building level parameter Bkng_Ext_System is set to 1 (Microsoft 365 Calendar)
  • The space level parameter Meta_Ext_Booking_System is set to 1 (Microsoft 365 Calendar)
  • And the space level parameter Meta_Ext_Booking_SpaceId has been set to the email address of the resource in Microsoft 365

Meetings can be created, updated and deleted from IBSS Roamer or IBSS Flex. 

The meetings should not be changed in Microsoft 365, as this will not be reflected back in the IBSS calendar.

Prerequisites & Permissions

  • Azure Active Directory has to be selected as the Identity Provider for the IBSS Platform
  • If multiple Identity Providers are enabled, only those users that belong to Azure Active Directory will be able update their Microsoft 365 Calendar
  • The App Registration will need to include the following delegated rights:
    • Microsoft Graph > Delegated Permissions > Calendars.ReadWrite
    • Microsoft Graph > Application Permissions > Calendars.ReadWrite