Using the Microsoft 365 Sync Service with Linked Spaces

Written By Sam Walton (Super Administrator)

Updated at June 4th, 2024

Table of Contents

Applies to Version 1.12 or higher

There are some important considerations to take into account when using Linked Spaces support in IBSS together with the Microsoft 365 Sync Service. The most important is that Microsoft 365 does not have the concept of Linked Spaces, and for that reason the following is the expected behaviour of the service when used with Linked Spaces.

Service Behaviour

Linked Spaces bookings can only be initiated through the IBSS Platform. In this case a single booking is created that contains multiple space references. The following lists the scenarios and expected behaviours.

Create a linked spaces booking in IBSS. 
Calendar appointment created for each resource listed in the IBSS booking and booking updated with each reference.
Booking moved in IBSS.
Each calendar appointment is attempted to be moved. If any fail there will not be any roll-back.
One of the resource appointments is moved.
Move all other appointments and then if successful, update IBSS booking, otherwise roll back. 
Booking deleted in IBSS.
Remove all appointments for linked resources. 
One of the appointments is deleted.
Appointment will be restored back by the Sync Service.
All appointments are deleted.
Booking is cancelled in IBSS.