Upon opening the Roamer X app, you are presented with the home page and other navigation options. While we strive to make our app as intuitive as possible, here are the explanations of what you will find in Roamer X:
The hero image welcomes you on the Home page and represents your default building (1). To change your default building, use the Preferred Work Location & Environment setting in the side menu under User Preferences > Profile Preferences.
Scroll down to view the following sections:
Building KPI tiles to most common spaces that are available for booking. These are defined by your system administrator and will be customised for your building. If configured, tapping on these widgets will navigate you to different parts of the app.
The Search for something else button that takes you to the next tab: Search.
The View building map option
Your bookings section shows you where you are booked with the nearest booking on top.
Bell icon for notification hub. Here, all important building announcements will reach you. You can opt in to receive these also as push and/or email notifications. Allow such notifications using the Notifications settings in the side menu under User Preferences > Profile Preferences > Notifications. There, you can allow more notifications about:
Your visitors
Your bookings
Your tasks if you are part or the operational team
Colleagues if they are sharing their booking location. Go to Home page > Side Menu > User Preferences > Profile Preferences > Location Sharing to start sharing to your colleagues where you are booked for them to find you. More details here: Your colleagues in Roamer X
Favourites You can mark a space or your colleague as a Favourite to have them listed in this section. This way you can find and book the space or view your colleague's calendar quicker.
Scan. To use this feature, allow Roamer X to use your camera.
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