Delegate function to book on your behalf

Written By Natalia Povrozniak (Administrator)

Updated at June 19th, 2024

To allow other users to book on your behalf or add visitors without handling the AAD role permissions, the IBSS system offers more flexibility with the Delegate functionality.

How it works

  1. Your organisational admin enables this function for you in Admin Portal.
  2. You appoint your colleagues as your delegates to create bookings on your behalf.

Under Settings, you will have the following pages:

  • Delegate Permissions to grant delegate access to others on your behalf.
  • Delegate Access to handle permissions granted to you.

Delegate Permissions

On this page, you manage delegate permissions for employees to act on your behalf: book spaces or add visitors.

⚠️ Make sure that the level of permissions of who you choose to be your delegate is the same or higher than yours:

  • Your delegate has to be allowed to view and book spaces that you are allowed to view and book.
  • Your delegate should mind their elevated booking permissions if they are allowed to book more spaces than you are. This means that you won't see their bookings on your behalf if they book spaces for you that aren't defined for your role.


Condition Required permissions
If user A delegates to user C, 
and user C wants to book a desk for user A.

User C needs permissions to book in Zone 1 and Zone 3.
If user B delegates to user C, 
and user C wants to book a desk for user B.

User C needs permissions to book in Zone 2 and Zone 3.

If user A and B delegate to user C, 
and user C wants to book a desk for user A in Zone 1 and for user B in Zone 2.

User C needs permissions to book in Zone 1, Zone 2, and Zone 3.

If user D has the permission to book in Building Y and delegates to user C, who originally has the permission to book in Building X, 
and user C wants to book a desk for user B in Building Y.

+ Building Y

User C needs permissions to book in Building Y and in Zone 4, and keeps their original permissions for Zone 3.

⚠️ Note:

  • The system is checking permissions of user C. User C requires permissions to book a space for other users in other zones.
  • When user C is searching for a space, the spaces that are returned are all the spaces that user C has access to.

⚠️ Mind that your delegates don't see all your bookings or bookings made for you by others. They only have permission to set you as a booking host.



✅ If you have required permissions to view this page within your Flex menu items, you are able to:

  • See the list of your delegates.
  • Assign delegate users.
  • Remove delegate users who were assigned previously (by you or your admin).

To add a colleague as your delegate:

  1. On the right, search for the employee who you want to grant delegate permissions to.
  2. Select the checkbox next to their name to add and save in delegates' list. 
    Note: You can add one or more persons as your delegates. Selected users will be remembered between searches.
  3. Save your selection.

Your delegates will now have a separate tab on the popup that opens when they select the Bookings for Others option.


Delegate Access

Here, you can view the list of colleagues who granted their delegate permissions to you. 

✅ With these permissions, you can make bookings and invite visitors on behalf of them.

⚠️ Make sure that you respect the level of permissions of who you book for, meaning that you book only those spaces within the zones where your delegator is also allowed to book. Otherwise, they won't see the booking that you've made on behalf of them.


❌ You cannot remove delegate access permission that was granted to you. Only your admin can do this for you or the person who has granted this permission to you in the first place.