Release Notes - Guest - 2023.02

Written By Natalia Povrozniak (Administrator)

Updated at April 5th, 2024

What’s new

We are constantly striving to enhance and optimise our products or create new ones. This time we're proud to announce the following new features in this first release of a separate app – IBSS Guest. This functionality was part of the IBSS Inspire app once. Now, it lives and evolves as a separate product. 
Read more about how to use it here: Using IBSS Guest 

  • The not registered users can now enter their details to check in to the office building.
  • Visitors who have finished their visit can now check out using their email that was used to invite them.

What's fixed

The following are fixes that have been included in this release:

  • Fixed the response message to confirm successful visit registration.
  • Fixed labels for successful visit registration and check in processes.
  • After the visitor is checked out, the label now offers checking back in without the redundant option to check out.
  • Host name is now properly displayed for the visitor in Flex.
  • When selecting the visit end time, Guest uses local time of the building.
  • Updated the FAQ link.

Known issues

  • When opening the Debug mode, you need to turn on the toggle twice.
  • When opening App Settings or Help Menu, the menu flashes white before it is loaded.
  • In light mode, clicking the Check out via email link changes app to the dark mode.