Release Notes - OneLens & Admin - R2023.00 - 2023-05-19

Written By Noel Thethy (Super Administrator)

Updated at October 13th, 2023

Table of Contents

What's New?

For OneLens and Admin Portal, we continue to improve existing pages by moving to new standard components to aid accessibility, but we have also:

  • Created common components for pop-up windows that will become the standard moving forward.
  • New menu has been implemented that will start to group operation and management functionality separately. 
  • An early version of a space analytics page has been included in the release. 
  • Included support for additional languages as well as provided updates for existing translations. 
  • A new set of APIs have been created around Advanced Booking Policies, that are used to control the booking rules on a per space basis.
  • A new set of v2 Bookings APIs have been created to work alongside the Advanced Policies API
  • A new BookingRecurrence API has been added to the Advanced Booking Policies API.
  • Several new UserPrefs API’s have been created to allow the saving and fetching of the user preferences from a variety of places in the UX apps.
  • Several internal improvements to how roles look up their permission rights via the code. 
  • New Cost Code APIs have been added to the system.
  • Updates to existing catering and bookings API to incorporate new Code Code APIs have also been made. 

What's Fixed?

In our ongoing journey to improve user experience, we endeavour to fix problems our end-users are facing, and this release is no different. The following are a list of fixes that have been included in this release:

  • Improved several pages in OneLens, to ensure consistency and re-use of components.
  • Fixed an issue where occasionally people with certain permissions would be shown a blank page for pages, they do not have access to, instead of a standard error message or redirect to another page.
  • Resolved several pop-up message notifications that were providing inaccurate descriptions of tasks to end users. 
  • Environmental summary calculations for 30 min periods have been improved for performance reasons.