Release Notes - 2023-10-17

Written By Natalia Povrozniak (Administrator)

Updated at December 12th, 2023

Applies to app version 2023.01.01 for Android

What's new

  1. Latest set of Android API is integrated into Unity [21613]
  2. It is now possible to configure if the Schedule view is shown or not, on both inside and outside tablets [23362]
  3. Improved error reporting about any booking issues the user may encounter [23661]


  1. Bookings that are made on the tablet are now checked in automatically if they are scheduled to start within the next 5 minutes. Previously, all bookings that were made on the tablet were automatically checked in.
  2. When the booking cannot be made, the error message used to have date and time cut off in the popup. Now, it shows full date and time details.
  3. Starting time for meetings being booked on the tablet is fixed to adjust better to the current time.
  4. LED lights on the inside Unity tablet is fixed to transition between green, amber, and red states precisely.
  5. Check-out popup to enter PIN code is now working.
  6. Check-out error popup is fixed on the inside tablets.
  7. For room control, tablet UI appeared to partially freeze after a period of time while showing bookings.
  8. The catering on demand tasks, both active or resolved, are now checked for today ones only and displayed properly.
  9. Previously, system didn't recognise scrolling as activity and switched back to the home page. Now, the user can scroll as long as they like.
  10. Debug Mode toggle activates now without having to switch it twice.
  11. Navigation bar persisted if user accessed the Debug Mode.
  12. Support was needed for custom domains, for example