Release Notes - 2023-11-02

Written By Natalia Povrozniak (Administrator)

Updated at November 8th, 2023

Applies to iOS app version 1.21.991, Android app version 1.21.886


What's Fixed

Here’s what we tackled for this release:

  • Fixed the following crashes:
    • From AppCenter - SpaceViewModel.SetState
      App no longer crashes when viewing a space that doesn't exist.
    • From AppCenter OnboardingFloorItem.Update
      App no longer crashes during the onboarding process.
    • From AppCenter - BSSAPIService.GetMyBookingsAsync
      App no longer crashes and is met with an access denied error box if the user does not have a username.
    • User's Default Building is now loaded upon login.
  • Fixed the error when an attendee of a booking clicks the booking party record in their My Bookings page. Now an attendee navigates to the space details page.
  • Fixed adding an attendee from the Favourite colleague list to a booking.
  • Fixed viewing own booking where no attendees nor resources were added as well as viewing the booking where you are invited as attendee.
  • Fixed start time of the visit to default to now + 5 minutes, and the visit duration will default to one hour unless adjusted.
  • Reduced the use of the following API calls:
    • /v1/<node>/UserPreferences
    • /v1/<node>/TaskStates
    • /v1/<node>/SpaceStates
    • /v1/<node>/Notifications/active
    • Updating Search Result Preferences now triggers 1 PUT call for UserPrefrences