Release Notes - 2023-03-01

Written By Sam Walton (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 16th, 2023

Table of Contents

Applies to iOS version 1.14.760, Android version 1.14.688

What's New

  1. We’ve introduced a new onboarding process for new/returning users, to make it easier for them to set their default user preferences.
  2. We’ve added the ability to create/update your own PIN to securely check-in to workspaces via the Inspire kiosk.
  3. We’ve now fully enabled all the features that allow users to make team bookings via the app.
  4. This means that at the same time you make your own booking, you’ll be able to duplicate the booking and select additional workspaces for colleagues and assign them.
  5. Also, we continue to add new language options to Roamer, to better support our users.
  6. We’ve reworked the User Preferences pages to make them clearer.
  7. We’ve also updated Roamer’s ability to filter content to make getting information from the server quicker and more accurate depending on the context the user is searching.
  8. The support email included in Roamer can now be sent to your organisation administrators.
  9. The mini-map view now shows the booking status of a space, rather than its occupancy status, so that it is in line with the views from other parts of the solution stack.
  10. We’ve adjusted the way the search layouts work to provide a better user experience.


  1. We’ve fixed an issue where the tiles on the home page were not being refreshed to accurate depict the latest information in some use cases and we’ve updated the finding a colleague pages to show consistently.
  2. We’ve fixed several app crashes and stability issues.
  3. We’ve corrected several rendering issues, where names and messages were cut short or not correctly appearing.
  4. We’ve squashed several bugs reported to us around information being duplicated, or data being inaccurate because of the duplication.
  5. We’ve made some general fixes around the tasks in the app, to resolve issues where tasks were not displaying correctly due to filtering options applied.
  6. We’ve fixed some general issues around the map view and the user’s ability to interact directly with it.
  7. Improvements of how we handle multi-lingual characters across the app and map views.
  8. We’ve resolved an issue where Roamer would occasionally show the wrong date compared to other applications in the solution stack.
  9. Fixed an issue where filtering for certain parameters (i.e., catering, and task categories), would not be properly applied to the results list.

Known Issues

  1. We’ve noticed a minor issue, where a user who changes the language in Roamer, may occasionally run in to issues around the translation of some of the screens.
  2. Android only: An icon appears on the task bar to inform users when the camera is active. If scanning a QR code in the app Android does not always accurately reflect when the camera is deactivated, and the icon may still show for a short period of time.