Release Notes - 2022-03-22

Written By Sam Walton (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 16th, 2023

Table of Contents

Applies to iOS version 1.11.503, Android version 1.11.414

What's New

  1. Added space capacity to various pages in the app. [6597]


  1. Name of month in Colleague search was not rendering correctly. [7081]
  2. Fixed reservation minutes dialogs. [7135]
  3. Dates were “moving” when clicking on a search result, being mistakenly converted to building time. [7128]
  4. Cropped building name for small devices. [7065]
  5. Notification short text was not being cropped. [7106]
  6. Fixed a timezone issue when searching for colleagues. [7123]
  7. User preferences were using a new method not yet available to live systems. [7153]
  8. Fixed a timezone issue in Bookings made for others . [7155]
  9. Fixed a timezone issue in “Today’s bookings”. [7156]