Release Notes - 2022-03-14

Written By Sam Walton (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 16th, 2023

Table of Contents

Applies to iOS version 1.11.495, Android version 1.11.407

What's New

  1. Added a new view to the bookings page for those with BookOnBehalfOf rights to see bookings made for others. Note this requires the matching server-side update to be deployed. [6092]
  2. Added a diagnostic query performance page to preferences. [6557]
  3. To accommodate 3rd party integrations that only support specific time buckets, a new parameter called Bkng_Allowed_Starts added. [6724]
  4. Added new security permissions for showing/hiding the home page widgets and menu buttons. [6631]
  5. Added timezone information into the bookings pages. [6882]


  1. Fixed a parsing error when searching for colleagues. [6482]
  2. Roamer does not display error message for failed booking update when used with external integrations. [6561]
  3. "As soon as possible" option in Space Search Filters now adds 5 minutes to “now” for immediate bookings. [6611]
  4. Initial Booking Times Are Not Correctly Rounded. [6531]
  5. The app cache is now reloaded whenever a space is not found. [6214]
  6. Roamer does not appear to use firstName/lastName when provided in the API. [6749]
  7. Booking summary page does not force 24hr mode on iOS. [6772] 
  8. Roamer: 'Resource doesn't exist' message, when Roamer is left for some time. [6657]
  9. Fixed some issues where booking would cross UTC days. [6774]
  10. Map view only shows the top 100 spaces returned by the API call. [6740]
  11. Okta signin was pointing to an incorrect endpoint. [6966]