Release Notes - 2021-08-28

Written By Sam Walton (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 16th, 2023

Table of Contents

Applies to iOS version 1.9.365, Android version 1.9.289

What's New

  1. Added Announcements card onto homepage which shows the latest building/safety notification. [4771]
  2. Lockers pages merged into Bookings menu and lockers control pages merged with Amenity Space Information pages. [4877]
  3. Colleague searching now returns results even when you’re not in the same building as your colleague. [4858]
  4. Stretched the Building Information Card over the menu to use more space . [4769]
  5. When configured, Task Types can now be set to show the extra details page. [4899]
  6. Extend booking functionality now added to Roamer. [2096]


  1. The new bookings dialogs were not following  the dark mode colour theme. [4865]
  2. Recently introduced Light Scene Setting values in Room Control pages were not properly set. [4863]
  3. The new MySpace card was not rendering correctly after checking into a space with environmental data. [4866]
  4. Fix for Change Buildings crash.
  5. Better handling for hierarchy loading.
  6. Removed Inspire/Unity notifications from Roamer. [4873]
  7. Fixed an issue where visitors couldn’t be approved in the app. [4886]