Release Notes - 2021-12-20

Written By Sam Walton (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 16th, 2023

Table of Contents

Applies to iOS version 1.10.468, Android version 1.10.373

What's New

  1. Updated first time user onboarding pages. [5887]
  2. Added the ability to limit the number of bookings a user can make in a week. This is set on a per building level. If a user reaches their max bookings, they do not get any search results back for that week and can’t complete a new booking for that week. [5872] 
  3. Language preferences setting added and Czech language translation provided. [6028]
  4. We’ve introduced layer toggles on map views allowing users to toggle Labels, Environmental and Equipment layer. Existing maps will get updated over time to get the layer support.[4730]
  5. Updated Okta sign in support to now accommodate group synchronisation. [6002]
  6. Cleaned up all the popup dialogs to have a common look and feel. 


  1. Floor tabs on the map pages are now sorted. [6027]
  2. Fixed an issue with Okta sign-in when trying to re-authorize. [5900]
  3. Creating a booking was no longer adding visitor records. [6165]
  4. Presentation Aids and Hearing Aids were being incorrectly shown. [6191]
  5. Catering Service and Clearing Times were allowed to be set outside of meeting times. [6262]
  6. Searching for Equipment was returning no results. [6294]
  7. If you left Roamer running you would end up with a lot of access denied error messages. 
  8. Checking in visitors had an incorrect permissions check. [6382]