Release Notes - Core & API - R2024.01

Written By Natalia Povrozniak (Administrator)

Updated at June 26th, 2024

Table of Contents

What's new

  • Added pagination support for search space results.
  • Added API support to enable multiple menus to be assigned to a space.
  • Added API support to enable Default Cost Codes functionality.
  • Updated Space Utilisation calculation approach to include grouping by zone:
    • 1 zone per multiple floors.
    • 1 zone per 1 floor.
  • Added endpoints to support Delegates functionality.
  • Added background links to enable new security permissions and added V2 Visits API to the available rights.
  • Added a web job for additional bookings and visits reminders according to the Notification templates available per organisation.
  • Optimised cache refresh methods.
  • Added support for System Notifications.
  • Added a new controller for bulk-managing visits.
  • Added endpoints to support new functionality for managing spaces.
  • Updated endpoints for managing visits.

What's fixed

Updated with the following builds:

  • IBSS Hub: 1.23.20240613.8  / R3685
  • IBSS API: / 2484
  • IBSS User API: 1.23.8888.17593 / 232
  • IBSS Data Entry API: 1.23.8880.30548 / 362
  • IBSS Data API: 1.23.8867.30007 / 159
  • Fixed cache refresh for booking policies when editing, importing, or manually reloading booking policies.
  • Fixed the time format used in the error that is displayed when the user has already booked the space for the selected time.
  • External Hosts & Contractors can now be created on a booking via the POST & PUT V2 Booking calls.
  • When creating a building announcement, HTML content is retained in the message body.
  • When making a booking on behalf of, the full delegate information is now passed in.
  • When updating a space booking, the correct node ID for the floor is used.
  • Fixed typo in the error message about adding a delegate which already exists.
  • Fixed node ID validation upon saving.


Initial release builds:

  • IBSS Hub: 1.23.20240515.15 / R3587
  • IBSS API: / 2350
  • IBSS User API: 1.23.8888.17593 / 232
  • IBSS Data Entry API: 1.23.8880.30548 / 362
  • IBSS Data API: 1.23.8867.30007 / 159
  • Fixed importing visitors list by changing to the correct role permission: Visitors.Create.
  • Fixed error responses to include new fields correctly.
  • Cost Code ID is now treated as a string and not as integer only.
  • Fixed error response for cancelling a Dietary Term.
  • The Catering Orders Endpoint now enforces the CostCode_Allow_FreeForm Pparameter.
  • Fixed the Available From/Until datetime filter.
  • When a visitor is removed from the booking, the visit record gets cancelled.

Known issue

  • If someone makes a linked space booking, it is possible that this booking is not counted towards the bookings a user is allowed to make. This means that some people may be able to book a desk, a single room, and a linked room all at the same time.