Release Notes - R2023.0.0 - 2023-05-19

Written By Noel Thethy (Super Administrator)

Updated at October 13th, 2023

Table of Contents

What’s New?

We continue to progress and add features to Flex, our recently added workplace application for end users while also trying to improve functionality on features enabled in earlier versions. 

  • We have started to migrate pages over to a new component framework to improve accessibility in general. This will continue to happen in future releases as well. 
    • This impacts areas of the application like the Menu, Search Criteria pages and more.
  • We have improved security, by moving information stored client side to session storage, which is cleared when the browser window is closed. This ensures, the potential for leaking information in a shared workstation environment is removed.
  • We have enabled a feature on the Map view in Flex, that by clicking on a booked space, it is possible to see who has made the booking (if they have agreed to share their booking location data in their preferences).
  • Increased the number of returned spaces results for the Find a Space page.
  • Included support for additional languages


What’s Fixed?

In our ongoing journey to improve user experience, we endeavour to fix problems our end-users are facing, and this release is no different. The following are a list of fixes that have been included in this release:

  • My tasks page in Flex didn’t previously show all the tasks as necessary.
  • Improved several pages in Flex, to ensure consistency and re-use of components.
  • Resolved several page errors that would appear on the user preferences page, which would occasionally cause changes not to be saved.
  • Resolved an issue in Flex, when the Add attendees, fields were named incorrectly.
  • Resolved an issue where looking at bookings created in the past would not show all the correct information in Flex, such as Attendees or Equipment selected. 
  • Resolved an issue in Flex, where Task categories would not populate with the full list of options. 

Known Issues

This section describes issues that users of Flex may encounter, as well as workarounds for these issues. It goes without saying that we are already in the process of fixing these issues. 

There are several pages that contain visual alignment issues, as we continue to progress towards moving to a new standard of component library. While these should not impact overall usability, we are aware that this means the user interface may not be ideal.