Setting up a building in Admin Portal

Under Setup > Organisation > Buildings

Written By Natalia Povrozniak (Administrator)

Updated at January 9th, 2025

Applies to app version 2024.03 onwards.


Building is the starting point for your organisation to use IBSS apps and start booking spaces. 

To set up a building in the IBSS system, do this:

  1. Go to Setup > Organisation > Buildings.
  2. Click + ADD.
  3. Fill in all fields in the Building Overview section:
    1. Building Owner
    2. Building Operator
    3. (mandatory) Building Name
    4. Building Occupier
    5. Building Size (to be indicated in sq. ft)
    6. Building Capacity
    7. Building Longitude (decimal numbers)
    8. Building Latitude (decimal numbers)
    9. Active Space toggle
  4. Add details for Building Location:
    1. Address
    2. City
    3. Building Country
  5. Add information for Building Details:
    1. Select image
    2. Indicate Time Zone
      ⚠️ Time zone format must be Time zone ID according to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format. Read more about the format here: Time zones - Azure SQL Managed Instance | Microsoft Learn
    3. Give it a Sort Name
    4. Select Time Zone DST to indicate whether to use Daylight Saving Time.
    5. Insert JSON data for Search configuration. Read more here: Node_Search_Config settings 
  6. Click Save when all details are ready.