What's fixed
- User Notifications have now proper format and are copied to the UserNotification entity.
- Fixed duplicate notifications for spaces and other push notifications.
- Fixed the VisitDailySummary jobs error when generating the daily visit summaries for the node ID 118.
- Improved performance for Archiver jobs.
- Bookings chart data now aligns with the data in the grid.
- Booking a Linked Space now properly sets the indexed space name as a combination of all spaces in the linked booking.
- Fixed the Flag_Nodes_UseCache parameter to be properly recognised for deployments that "hide" nodes.
- Fixed nodes cache to be loaded correctly on start-up.
- Fixed overall the delete actions in API.
Spaces with similar Space_Id names are returned successfully in the search API call and the user is able to create the bookings with similar Space Ids as well.
Fixed returning of empty spaces in the search results. Data is now returned correctly with JSON objects properly populated.