User Preferences - V1.12 and older

Written By Sam Walton (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 15th, 2023

Applies to iOS version 1.12.x or earlier, Android version 1.12.x or earlier

The Roamer app provides a variety of user preference customisations, all of which can be found by accessing the burger bar at the top left of the app and selecting User Preferences. The home page of this menu provides access to a user's profile and preferences.

Data Privacy

Under Data Privacy a user can set whether they would like to broadcast their location when checked into a space and when making bookings to allow colleagues to find them.


The notifications section enables a user to control what notifications they want to receive and through what format. There are 4 possible options that can be selected

  1. Don't send any notifications. If the top toggle in any section is turned off, all notifications will be blocked from being sent to the user.
  2. Send notifications only in-app. If the top toggle in any section is turned on, the notifications will only be accessible from the notifications menu in the app. 
  3. "via push notifications". A user can optionally request that push notifications are sent to the device.
  4. "via email". A user can optionally request that the notifications are also sent as an email.

Building-specific notifications and Safety-specific notifications can only be sent as either push notifications or to the app. 
User-specific notifications (visitors, bookings and tasks) can be sent in-app, via push or via email.  

Environmental Preferences

To customise their search experience, user's can set their preferred space temperature and noise level. 

The available settings are:


  • Any
  • Warmer
  • Normal
  • Cooler


  • Any
  • Silent
  • Quiet
  • Normal

Note: these settings are only applicable to deployments where environmental sensors are integrated into the platform. By default all spaces temperatures are set to "Normal" and Noise Levels to "Normal" and the suggested settings should be "Any" and "Any"

Building Preferences

Finally, in the building preferences a user can further set search-specific preferences. With the introduction of the map search results, a user can now choose to default their search results to be either "List" or "Map".

In multi-building setups, a default building can be set which will be used to default any search results, and will be the building that the app will automatically switch to when starting up.

A user can customise their own start and stop working hours and these settings will then be used in search results *where configured in the deployment*.

Finally, to set a preferred floor for map search results, a user can set their preferred floor.