Release Notes - OneLens & Admin Portal - R2023.01.06

Written By Natalia Povrozniak (Administrator)

Updated at February 27th, 2024

What's fixed in OneLens

  • The Booked For and Booked By filters now work as expected since we’ve fixed tolower() on the username input, meaning the Booked For and Booked By search fields are no longer case sensitive.
  • On the Visitors page, the email filter is not case-sensitive anymore.
  • OneLens users can now add a new visitor on the Visitor List page without requiring admin-level permissions.
  • When updating a booking for someone, user doesn’t become a booking owner anymore. The person who created the booking remains being an owner.
  • Users with appropriate check-in permissions can now check in general users to the bookings that weren’t made on behalf of that general user.
  • The page under OneLens > Analytics > Space > Heatmaps now loads with no issue.
  • We've added the search box back to the Booking List page to search within the first 100 bookings only. But you can apply appropriate filters and search again to see the results that match your criteria within all available bookings.

Known issues in Admin Portal

  • When editing role permissions under App Settings, you can select checkboxes to grant or remove the lowest-level permissions in the permission tree, but sections of permissions or higher-level permissions can be edited in JSON script only.
  • When editing role permissions under App Settings by selecting checkboxes, the same number of undefine records is created in the JSON script until you edit the JSON script and save it. Undefined records for that role won't be created after this.