Release Notes - 2021-10-28

Written By Sam Walton (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 16th, 2023

Table of Contents

Applies to iOS version 1.10.420, Android version 1.10.338

What's New

  1. Updated the colleague finding experience to allow finding multiple colleagues. [5349]
  2. Updated the security model for the App allowing much finer grained security for user roles. This allows for individual customisations for pages and behaviours in the app. [4761]
  3. Now trims any spaces from subscription names to help with autocorrect errors when first signing in. [5608]


  1. Adding attendees to a booking did not show the attendees in the UI. [5463]
  2. When searching for users in the directory, it only matched the start of the string. Now it looks for any string containing the text. [5461]
  3. When switching default buildings in preference, the floors were not updated. [5418]
  4. Occasionally the KPI widgets would get stuck when swiping, this is now resolved by switching back to default wait icon. [4959]
  5. Removed the length restriction from top level domains. [5262]
  6. Updated the sizing of the title and text in the catering menu. [5592]
  7. Selecting a date whilst "As soon as possible" is checked still allows users to select a different date. [5085]
  8. When opening a reservation in my bookings, an error was incorrectly shown. [5518]
  9. Fixed an iOS-specific popup crash related to Xamarin Forms.