Release Notes - 2023-04-24

Written By Sam Walton (Super Administrator)

Updated at June 30th, 2023

Table of Contents

Applies to iOS version 1.20.806, Android version 1.20.711

What's New

  1. We’ve made several changes around the login sequence and privacy policy options for end users. Now, when installing the app, the user is asked to accept the Roamer privacy policy before continuing. If an organising also has their own privacy policy, they want end users to opt-in to, then a secondary policy can also be shown. 
  2. As we continue to support more users globally, we continue to include new translations of our app. For this release, we have included Japanese, Hindi and Spanish translations.
  3. We clients that are using environmental sensors and connecting them to our platform, we have added additional environmental data to the Space Information pages so that they end users can use this to make informed decisions about what to book.


  1. As part of the changes to our login process, we now require users to select the identity provider service their organisation uses, if they use more than one, rather than defaulting to a specific one. This both improves security and minimise login errors for companies with multiple active directories, or even multiple identity provider platforms. 
  2. We’ve also refined some of the wording used in our onboarding screens to make information clearer to end-users.
  3. Following feedback from end users, we have refined several German translations in the app.
  4. Fixed an issue where adding a visitor would not highlight which fields were mandatory.
  5. Resolved an issue in iOS where the banner at the top of the homepage would continuously try and load the header image on page refresh.
  6. Resolved an issue where while during login a user could stop the process and cause the app to not load anything.
  7. Fixed an issue, where using OKTA as the identity provider to login, would occasionally cause Roamer to crash. 
  8. Fixed several minor user interface issues around text being cut-off or hidden.
  9. Fixed an issue where reading a notification, would occasionally crash Roamer.

Known Issues

  1. We’ve noticed a minor issue, where a user who changes the language in Roamer, may occasionally run in to issues around the translation of some of the screens.
  2. Android only: An icon appears on the task bar to inform users when the camera is active. If scanning a QR code in the app Android does not always accurately reflect when the camera is deactivated, and the icon may still show for a short period of time.
  3. Android: When attempting to update a linked space in a booking, Roamer may crash.
  4. iOS: The banner at the top of the homepage may continue to show the loading icon, despite having loaded everything. Simply pulling down the banner again, will refresh the page as normal.