Release Notes - 2023-06-30

Written By Noel Thethy (Super Administrator)

Updated at September 27th, 2023

Table of Contents

What's New

Applies to iOS version 1.21.868, Android version 1.21.766

Please note that not all these new items will be available to end users until the respective updates have been carried out for other parts of the platform as part of the 2023.01 release. These are denoted with an Asterix.


Roamer continues to be improved in line with enhancements to the platform. Some of the new elements in Roamer, are listed below. 

  • Now you can enhance your space bookings by adding cost codes, allowing for better expense tracking and allocation. * 
  • Need to allocate costs to multiple codes for catering bookings? No problem! Our latest update lets you add multiple cost codes and easily distribute costs among them. * 
  • When booking a space with enabled booking horizons, Roamer's user interface will now comply with the restrictions and keep you informed. *
  • We've made it easier than ever to access important legal documents. Simply navigate to the menu and you can jump straight into the privacy policy and license agreement. 
  • To provide clearer information, an icon indicating catering availability is now displayed in search results for associated spaces. 
  • Want to mark a booking as an online meeting? Now you can! If your rooms are set up to work with the IBSS Office 365 Connection, you can add the relevant meeting link to the description. Stay connected and organized effortlessly.


We continue to modify existing parts of the app to improve them or keep them up to date with other parts of the IBSS software.

  • User Preferences now stores your selected language preference, where previously this was only stored locally on the device
  • Several new and updated terms have been added to the Roamer translations

We’ve fixed several issues in Roamer, relating to the following items:

  • Resolved an issue where spaces marked as favourites would go missing from the app after a restart or after a period, where they would be cleared from the device cache. 
  • The order of the bookings shown on the My Bookings page did not correctly show in chronological order
  • The text on the visitors list screen was not showing correctly, and clipped at the bottom
  • Resolved an issue where the label for Duplicating booking for others, would not show correctly when in dark theme.
  • Fixed an issue where, if a room had temperature controls enabled in IBSS, the page within Roamer would refresh every few seconds, causing the page to be unusable
  • Updated the onboarding page, to resolve an issue where when asked to enter your organisation, it wouldn’t accept your entry if a previous organisation has been setup
  • Corrected several system alerts, that did not display in the correct styling for the App
  • Resolved an issue where the start and end time, when creating a booking would visually overlap in the Roamer interface
  • We've updated the onboarding pages to make them mandatory now to ensure that users get the best experience.

Known Issues

Android: An icon appears on the task bar to inform users when the camera is active. If scanning a QR code in the app Android does not always accurately reflect when the camera is deactivated, and the icon may still show for a short period of time.

Android: When attempting to update a linked space in a booking, Roamer may crash.

iOS: The banner at the top of the homepage may continue to show the loading icon, despite having loaded everything. Simply pulling down the banner again, will refresh the page as normal.