Release Notes - 2022-04-14

Written By Sam Walton (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 16th, 2023

Table of Contents

Applies to iOS version 1.11.550, Android version 1.11.453

What's New

  1. Added a new configuration option for the home screen map default times. [7276]
  2. Added device model information to contact support to help identify low performance devices. [7407]
  3. Changed S5 body text. [7436] 
  4. Made the locker booking experience better by auto-refreshing and adding a wait. [7455]


  1. Fixed some book on behalf of behaviour. [7238] [7218]
  2. Signing out of Roamer did not clear Okta sign in information. [7362]
  3. Visitor/Attendee initials were not correctly set. [7394]
  4. Switching language did not force all controls to switch, added a notification to restart app. [7112]
  5. Expanding the map from a space did not make the selected floor visible. [7368]
  6. Scanning a QR from Inspire/Unity wouldn’t refresh the bookings info for that space. [7461]