Roamer X provides the capability to interact with smart lockers from directly within the app fi available within your organisation's building. Roamer X supports the standard claim, unlock, and release functions that most locker systems provide.
Finding lockers
Locker banks are part of the amenity space information pages. To find a locker:
- Search for a locker bank amenity under the Search tab of the main menu ribbon. Then choose Lockers.
- Select time for when you need a free locker. Confirm by tapping Next.
- Select the appropriate locker in the search result list. You can view where this locker bank is on the map. For this, tap the filter icon in the top right corner of the screen, then switch to map view. Confirm selection by tapping the Update Filters button.
You can claim the locker when you are standing next to it. You will have corresponding options available on screen.
Viewing claimed lockers
To find lockers that you have claimed, go to the Bookings menu > the Lockers tab. From here, you can release claimed locker if standing next to it.
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