Space states on space card in Roamer X

Written By Natalia Povrozniak (Administrator)

Updated at February 13th, 2025

Space information cards in Roamer X and, basically, in all IBSS apps offer maximum available information about the space. Depending on how you view the space and when you open its card for booking, you may see different space status information. We differ it by colour and message to let you know if it's available to book or there is something else happening to the space.

Here are the main examples of what you will see in Roamer X:

Status Description

Space Card example

Unoccupied, not booked

Unoccupied, booked

Occupied, not booked

Occupied, booked

Signs of life (sensors), not booked

Signs of life (sensors), booked

Out of service

Awaiting maintenance

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