Catering Manager and Floor Manager roles

Written By Natalia Povrozniak (Administrator)

Updated at February 29th, 2024

📌 Applies to app version 2023.02 or later

Some organisations offer catering services for meeting room bookings or have adjacent meeting rooms that can be combined into different layouts: boardroom or theatre for example. The responsible person to handle such services is defined in booking policy that, in turn, is assigned to certain spaces in the building.

One person is assigned per each service:

  • Catering Manager is responsible for all catering orders that are made in the spaces where this booking policy is assigned to.
  • Floor Manager is responsible for preparation of the spaces with custom layouts (setup) and cleaning up and rearranging the furniture to the default state (reset). These activities have separate time slots booked for the Floor Manager before and after the actual booking of a linked space. In this way, the relevant spaces cannot be booked by someone else, and it allows for proper handling of such requests.

Read more about the concept of booking policies here: Understanding Booking Policies: Guidelines for Efficient Space Bookings and Usage 

Read more about creating a booking policy with indicating these responsible persons here: How do I create a booking policy?Â