My Bookings in Flex

Written By Natalia Povrozniak (Administrator)

Updated at January 27th, 2025

On the My Bookings page, you can:

  • Edit existing bookings
  • Cancel bookings
  • Check in or out of bookings

Note: Checking in to a booking via Flex is security controlled by your organisation. Due to the business policy, it may not be possible to check in to bookings remotely in Flex.

The list of results on this page are downloaded page by page. Bookings are listed in 25 rows by default, but you can change it to 50 or 100 rows to be downloaded per page.

Note: Flex shows you what row you are currently viewing out of the downloaded ones, not showing the total number of pages and rows: as on the screenshot 1 to 2 because there are two rows in the list. Click the Next arrow to continue loading more pages as needed. If no more pages are loading, it means that you've reached the end of the results list. You can go back to the loaded pages.