Setting up a floor in Admin Portal

Under Manage > Floors

Written By Natalia Povrozniak (Administrator)

Updated at January 7th, 2025

Applies to app version 2024.03 onwards.


Your organisation's building consists of floors that, in turn, host bookable spaces and amenities.

To create a new floor for a building:

  1. Go to Manage > Floors.
  2. Click + ADD to open a floor creation panel on the right.
  3. Fill in the following details:
    1. Display Name is the building name.
    2. Floor Name is the internal floor ID.
    3. Display Order to set how the floors should be ordered in a list.
    4. Occupier represents the tenant company.
    5. Operator runs the floor.
    6. Owner
    7. Capacity
    8. Floor Size (sq m)
  4. Upload Map or View Map that has been added previously.
  5. Click Save Changes.
  6. Now, you can add or update zones:
    1. If you add a new zone:
      1. Click + Add. A New Zone appears.
      2. Expand New Zone to add its Display Name that is building name, zone name, and capacity.
      3. Click Save Updates when done editing.
    2. If you edit an existing zone:
      1. Select its checkbox to delete or disable the zone.
      2. Or expand the zone section to edit its building, zone name, or capacity.
  7. Click Save Changes for the entire floor to go live. Or click outside the slide-out panel to discard your changes.