Release Notes - Core & API - R2023.02

Written By Natalia Povrozniak (Administrator)

Updated at April 19th, 2024

What's changed

  • Introduced new interface for privacy policy acceptance used by OneLens or Flex when logging in
  • Added ODATA pagination options to the /api/users end point.
  • Improved handling AAD users with the same email but different OID values.
  • Improved handling of Client Secret ID within the IdentityProviders API.
  • Made several Booking Policies changes:
    • Added ExtendedServices to the BookingPolicy object.
    • Adjusted Booking horizon for Building Working Hours.
  • Improved how the system carries out lookups of data at the API level.
  • Optimised of background scheduled tasks to improve performance and ensure correct actions are being taken by the system.
  • Introduced the ability to send utility commands to unity and Inspire panels. 
  • Added several new API endpoints to support new/updated features, including:
    • New Orphaned bookings functionality
    • Updated Visitor endpoint
    • Application permissions
  • Made security improvements for PIN usage and caching nodes.
  • Made several performance improvements to how the backend and API work, including:
    • Notification changes
    • Booking data archiving
    • Caching changes/optimisations
    • Cancelling booking calls
    • Enabling/disabling a space handling
    • Startup prioritisation when APIs are restarted
  • Added new capabilities to the API to handle record data changes:
    • Notification changes
    • Booking data archiving
    • Caching changes/optimisations
    • Cancelling booking calls
    • Enabling/disabling a space handling
    • Startup prioritisation when APIs are restarted
  • Added several new fields to the database and APIs to support elements, such as:
    • Booking Parties
    • Visitor Dashboard
    • V2 Catering
    • Task Resolution description
    • Booking overlap checking
  • Changed to the identity provider calls:
    • Added new PUT and Patch methods
    • Added support for isDefault and TenantID
  • Improved API to handle internationalisation, including:
    • Better language support
    • TimeZone handling
  • Updated performance for diagnostics logging.
  • Improved app initialization with a new config.
  • Cache is automatically refreshed after updating a booking policy.
  • Updated security permission lists.
  • Updated wording for custom notification message.

What's fixed

  • Fixed various issues with Notifications duplicates, error messages, push notifications, validations.
  • Fixed getting guest user details of the AAD and enable user login.
  • Fixed returning the historical booking data.
  • Made several performance improvements.
  • Optimised how cost codes work.
  • Fixed numerous error messages for correctness and readability.
  • Improved filtering for space search.
  • Fixed several issues related to time zones and time amendments for visitors and bookings
  • Spaces search shows now only available spaces that are attached to recurring policies when more than one date is provided.
  • Fixed check in and cancelling to the booking that was created for the user by someone else.
  • API changes made for IBSS connectors to fix issues during bookings and checking in.
  • Fixed the version of API that connectors should be using.
  • Made changes to end point used by booking policies to target spaces.
  • Fixed how Booking Policy slots are reflected for a workplace user with no additional permissions.
  • Fixed booking status changes into In Progress to enable check out.
  • Search results for linked spaces now show only available spaces.
  • Search results for spaces with similar Space IDs now show only available spaces.
  • Fixed returning the CreatedBy or Booking_Owner fields on the My Schedule page.
  • Searching for bookings returns only results for correct building where they have been created.
  • Nodes cache loads correctly now.
  • Fixed the issue with setting a PIN for users with email address that is different from their NormalizedUserName or UserName record.
  • Fixed the security issue with user PIN.
  • Updating the Occupancy of a space now updates the space state.
  • Fixed UI issues with updating the Space Record that has set the Space_UI_Colour & Space_Status_Text to a blank string.
  • Fixed issues with V2 Bookings methods:
    • POST /v2/Bookings returns all booking parties correctly.
    • POST /v2/Bookings counts attendees correctly.
    • PUT /v2/Bookings keeps the URL if online meeting link is added.
  • Search for a specific booking policy isn't failing anymore.
  • Updated repository for querying nodes.
  • Email confirmations about the new and modified bookings are properly sent.
  • Short message is now populated for the automatic check-in notification.

Known issues

  • Column sort options have been disabled in the user interface, the ability to sort will be added directly to the API in an upcoming release.
  • When a booking is created on behalf of a person and has a visitor, visitor’s name and email are mistakenly set as host name and email.
  • Building push notifications being sent immediately to Roamer users upon creation instead of at the specified time in the Available From field.
  • IBSS supports 250 nodes per environment, buildings and floors included. Read more here: Number of nodes within one environment 
  • Deleting a Dietary term within Catering returns an incorrect error message.