Release builds:
- IBSS Hub: 1.25.9166.12835
- IBSS API: 1.25.9159.23073
- IBSS User API: 1.25.9081.18168
- IBSS Data Entry API: 1.25.9140.19707
- IBSS Data API: 1.25.9081.18157
What's new
- Search Improvements to switch between floors when viewing the map.
- Ability to process exports in the background except for visit and task lists.
- Booking reminders that are configurable, and defaults are:
- 72 Hour Host Reminders for ‘Incomplete’ Client Room Bookings
- 24 Hour reminder of visit
- 24 Hour reminder of booking
- Updated error responses according to the RFC 9457 model, added multilingual support for errors.
- New security rights to support new features:
- Notification reminders
- Space Layouts page in OneLens
- Show/hide the Auto-Check-in option when BookOnBehalf
- Create multiple catering orders with one space booking API.Catering.MultipleOrders
- Manage resolvers categories with API.ResolversCategories.V2
- Manage task types per building and assign them to a task category with API.TaskTypes.V2
- Manage task categories with API.TaskCategories.V2
- API.DataPoints.DataUpdate
- Show the auto check-in option checkbox in the Booking on behalf of someone else popup with API.Bookings.BookOnBehalfAutoCheckinOption
Read more here: API Security Rights
- Added additional security rights for the management of buildings:
- ADMINPORTAL.PortfolioSetup.Buildings
- ADMINPORTAL.PortfolioSetup.Floors
- ADMINPORTAL.PortfolioSetup.Spaces
- Adjusted the Nodes configuration API for the management of buildings:
- GET /v2/configuration/nodes/ - Get all child nodes matching the filter criteria
- POST /v2/configuration/nodes/ - Create a new node
- GET /v2/configuration/nodes/{nodeid} - Get the details for the node (as specified by the nodeid)
- PUT /v2/configuration/nodes/{nodeid} - Update all the details of the specified node (as specified by the nodeid)
- PATCH /v2/configuration/nodes/{nodeid} - Update all the provided details only of the node (as specified by the nodeid)
- PATCH /v2/configuration/nodes/{nodeid}/disable - Disable the node (as specified by the nodeid)
- PATCH /v2/configuration/nodes/{nodeid}/enable - Enable the node (as specified by the nodeid)
- DELETE /v2/configuration/nodes/{nodeid} - Delete the node (as specified by the nodeid)
- GET /v2/configuration/nodes/download - Download all spaces within the specified building/floor (as specified by the nodeid) matching the filter criteria
- POST /v2/configuration/nodes/import - Import an excel file containing spaces within the specified building (as specified by the nodeid)
- GET /v2/configuration/nodes/levels - Provides a fixed list of supported level values by IBSS (Organisation, Region, Campus, Building, Floor, and Zone)
- Allow space ownership to be changed via the API
- New controllers:
- /v2/{nodeid}/notification-reminders
- /v2/{nodeid}/resolver-categories
- /v2/{nodeid}/task-types
- Added the Booking_Attendance field to:
- /v2/{nodeid}/bookingparties API
- /v2/{nodeid}/bookings API
- New column AccessPasses in the Users table.
- New methods/endpoints:
- POST /v1/{nodeid}/users/access-pass to create a new access pass
- DELETE /v1/{nodeid}/users/access-pass/{buildingid} to delete an access pass
- GET /v1/{nodeid}/users/access-pass/{buildingid} to get the details of an access pass
- GET /v1/{nodeid}/users/access-pass to get the details of all access passes
- PUT /v1/{nodeid}/EnvironmentalZones/{envzoneid}
- POST /v2/{nodeid}/spaces/search to support a “timeframe”
- POST /v2/users/check-pin
- GET /v2/{nodeid}/spaces/{spaceid}/space-info
- GET /v2/{nodeid}/spaces/{id}/bookings-today to support Edit Booking page update
- GET /v2/nodes/{nodeid}/space-types to support self service
- Search for spaces is enabled in a Particular Region by accepting RegionID and NodeID.
- Created a function that removes seconds and milliseconds for search and create/update calls and sets them to 00.000.
- Added $select, $filter, $top, $skipToken to GET /v1/{nodeid}/EnvironmentalZones.
- Added $select to GET /v1/{nodeid}/EnvironmentalZones/{envzoneid}.
What's changed
- We now mask Booking Record Booking_Parties_Formatted Field when the Share Location user preference is disabled.
- Endpoint updates:
- POST /v2/{nodeid}/catering-order/{orderId} - set a default value for catering_cutoff_time is not provided as part of the payload.
- Modified /v2/{nodeid}/spaces/{spaceid}/booking-policy to make it backwards compatible for Inspire/Unity.
- Modifications made to the API to store additional metadata to improve filtering.
- Updated the backend for NotificationHub regarding FCMv1.
- Adjusted Visitors Data Security Requirements from Visits V2 Controller.
- Applied security to the data model of the Users/Roles/IdentityProviders controllers using the ADMIN group name.
- If Child Bookings are Approved and Parent Gets Denied Child bookings should be Cancelled.
- Optimise SpaceTypeBookingPolicies Cache Refresh.
What's fixed
- Booking_Share_Loc is now correctly enabled or disabled depending on whether the OnBehalfOf User has Share Location Preferences enabled or disabled.
- Visitors that were created as a Booking Party get auto approved correctly.
- User can use the PATCH call to update the host (name & email), end time, PACS ID after the visit is checked in.
- The PATCH /V2/{nodeid}/bookings/{bookingId} call properly removes visitor party when the OnBehalfOf field is not provided.
- The PUT /v2/{nodeid}/bookings/{BookingId} call doesn't create a duplicate of a visitor record when updating the booking that was created on behalf of the visitor.
- Updating the visit OnBehalfOf booking to another floor doesn't remove visitor anymore.
- Environmental information of individual spaces includes correct data now.
- Duplicate bookings can no longer be created at midnight.
- When creating a booking that starts with 5 minutes, it is no longer auto checked in.
- Adding a resource to a booking creates a task with a Due Date.
- A user with the API.Bookings.IgnoreMinMaxDuration permission is able to make a booking that is less than the policy min duration and longer than the max duration when the AppliesTo building permission is applied.
- For GET /v2/{nodeid}/bookings/bookings-series/{seriesid}, all records are correctly returned when $select is provided.
- Removed unnecessary validations for updating the booking that has no Setup and Reset slots defined by layout or booking policy.
- When updating an existing booking to the one with layout, both Setup and Reset maintenance slots are now properly created.
- Only users with the API.Booking.BookRecurring permission can create recurring bookings.
- Recurring and Multiple space bookings are properly validated against Max Occurrence set in booking policy.
- When making recurring or multiple bookings on behalf of someone else and selecting the "Auto check-in" checkbox, the Booking_AutoCheckIn field is now correctly set for each booking party of the booking series.
- A space booking cannot be edited if the selected time is not available.
- Single Bookings cannot be updated if they clash with Setup/Reset slots.
Other fixes
- Updating the node ID of an Environmental Sensor does not create a duplicate anymore.
- When updating a tag that has an image URL, the PATCH call no longer ignores the empty icon field.
- Search for Cost Code descriptions and Cost Codes has been improved.
- Searching for zones that includes a special character successfully returns results for that zone now.
- Several fixes were made as the response to the third party penetration test.
- Fixed error response codes in multiple places.
- Added missing fields for the Spaces /v2/Configuration endpoint.
Known issues
- Column sort options have been disabled in the user interface. The ability to sort is expected to be added directly to the API in an upcoming release.
- When moving a booking across floors or buildings, the booking policy of the new space is checked after the original booking has been cancelled by the system, not before. The booking gets entirely cancelled if the policy doesn't allow it for a reason, and the user has to recreate the booking for the new building or floor.
- If someone makes a linked space booking, it is possible that this booking is not counted towards the bookings a user is allowed to make. This means that some people may be able to book a desk, a single room, and a linked room all at the same time.
- Building announcements are sent on creation instead of the selected Available_From time.