Importing a visitor list to OneLens 360

Written By Natalia Povrozniak (Administrator)

Updated at May 10th, 2024

Table of Contents

Adding more than one visitor to the IBSS system at a time is enabled in OneLens on the Visitor List page for the operational users who have corresponding role permissions. If they do, they see the Import button on the Visitor List page.

To add more than one visitor at a time, you need:

  1. Role permissions to have the Import button enabled.
  2. Correct XLSX file with visitor details for import.

File preparation

To prepare the XLSX file with visitor details, do the following:

  1. Create a new spreadsheet file and add the following column headers in this defined order. Ensure that there are no typos in the column names:











💾 Or download our template here.

  1. Ensure that there are no additional rows and that rows only include visitor details in the following format (see the scrolling table with the scrolling bar at the bottom of the page):
Visit_Id Visit_Start_Date Visit_End_Date Visit_Host_Email Visit_Host_Name Visitor_Email Visitor_First_Name Visitor_Last_Name Visitor_Company Node_id
Leave blank  DD/MM/YYYY  hh:mm:ss DD/MM/YYYY  hh:mm:ss            

Numeric value – ID of your building.

How do I know my node ID? 

  1. Save the file on your computer to be able to locate it during import.

File importing

To import the prepared visitor details, do the following:

  1. Visit OneLens > Visitors > Visitor List.
  2. Click Import. An Upload File popup opens.
  3. Click Select File. A popup opens where you select the prepared XLSX file with visitor details.
  4. Click Open in the File Open dialog.
  5. Click Ok to confirm file import.
  6. Click Ok to confirm the success message.
  7. Refresh the page to view visitors imported from the file and listed for the appropriate date ranges. If the visitor isn't listed, ensure that you are viewing the correct date range when the needed visit is scheduled for.