Release Notes - 2022-10-14

Written By Sam Walton (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 16th, 2023

Table of Contents

Applies to iOS version 1.12.668, Android version 1.12.574

What's New

  1. Support "Source Sans Pro" in HTML Renderer locations. [7633]


  1. New text to be added for unbookable/unreservable amenities when free and occupied to accommodate for the fact that they can still be used when occupied. See below. [4744]
  2. Fixed some issues with the How Busy is the Amenity chart. [6793] 
  3. Fixed a space/booking not found exception. [9726]
  4. Roamer was trying to set an unknown pastel colour which resulted in error logs being generated unnecessarily. [9727]
  5. When a space occupancy exceeds it capacity, map widgets should display "0 Free Spaces" rather than some negative number. [9812]
  6. Bkng_Max_Horizon not being taken into account in Roamer. [9814]
  7. Updated unsupported version dialog to use standard Roamer popup style. [9817]
  8. Optimised spaces/search calls to make the app faster. [9833]
  9. Added protection against duplicate rights being provided for a user. [9850]
  10. Optimised bookings calls to make the app faster. [9858]
  11. Deselecting a colleague does not update correctly on previous Colleague Search page. [9878]
  12. Long building names were being wrapped. [9910]
  13. [iOS] After viewing a notification, when going back to the notification page the notification appears at the bottom of the page. [9912]  
  14. Roamer: Limit the Max Characters allowed for a Booking Name to 50 characters. [9935]
  15. Reservations weren’t being shown in My Bookings page after updating to new API. [9933]
  16. When searching for a colleague for the first time, the “search directory” button wouldn’t execute. [10022]
  17. Roamer was not truncating seconds in some search calls making some spaces unavailable. [10054]
  18. Roamer was showing visit records that are in the past. [10062]
  19. In the All Bookings tab of My Bookings, FM users were allowed to try to cancel bookings already in progress. This has been fixed. [10034]
  20. Some page headers in user preferences were incorrect. [10079]
  21. Making a AdminBookableOnly Booking showed an incorrect popup. [10033]

Known Issues

  1. N/A

New State Text

Current S6 text - unoccupied
Title: This space is currently available
Body: It's not bookable or reservable, but you're welcome to use it if it's free.

Current S8/S9 text - occupied
Title: This space is currently in use
Body: We can help find you a space like this one

Replacement S6 text - unoccupied
Title: This space is available for use
Body: You're welcome to use it if there is space available.

Replacement S8/S9 text - occupied
Title: This space is available for use
Body: You're welcome to use it if there is space available.