Release Notes - OneLens 360 - R2023.02

Written By Natalia Povrozniak (Administrator)

Updated at June 18th, 2024

What's new

Schedule view

The OneLens360 Schedule View allows easy visualization and management of booking for workplace services. It offers a day calendar-like view for a filtered set of spaces to make informed decisions when managing meeting room bookings within your organisation.

Read more about the concept and usage of Schedule View here: Schedule View under Bookings in OneLens 360 


As part of this release, we are extending catering functionality to allow workplace teams to define role-based catering privileges and policies per building (for example, who can order what, and how far in advance users can order), as well who pays for what (meaning, cost codes and assigned departmental expenses and budgets). Catering Manager who is assigned by the Booking Policy for that space gets notified about catering orders.

The new updates to IBSS catering include the following key components when it comes to menu building and policy:

  • Catering Supplier is used within ordered items as a single catering order may have items from several suppliers.
  • Catering items can be tagged with dietary terms or allergen information as appropriate.
  • Order Policy restricts time frames of when items can be served (operational hours from and to) and any associated preparation time needed. 
  • Catering Items – This is where individual items can now be created for inclusion to menus. Each item is classified as “Food”, “Beverage” or “Snack” and has all details necessary 
  • Catering Menu – This is where you group individual catering items into a menu for assignment to bookable spaces. You also assign AAD roles that are allowed to use the menu which could be all roles or a selected number of them.

Read more about the concept and usage of Catering in OneLens 360 here: Catering in OneLens 360 


A new Visitors Dashboard page is introduced with this release to provide a quick overview of expected visitors and their state. From here, we added a quick widget to add new visitors as soon as you know about them.

Here, you have an overview of:

  • Today’s upcoming visitors.
  • A quick search option by visitor reference (visit code).
  • A chart displaying upcoming visitors, visitors in the building, and visitors who have already been checked out.
  • A quick-access tile to add a visitor to the system ad-hoc if not already invited by a member of staff.

Read more about the concept and usage of Visitor Dashboard here: Visitors in OneLens 360 

Setup and reset times for linked spaces

On the Advanced Booking page, when linked spaces are booked, IBSS creates two more space bookings before and after that initial booking to reserve time for operational teams to setup the space to the needed layout and then clean-up and reset the space after the meeting to its default state. Automatically the responsible person – Floor Manager who is defined by the corresponding Booking Policy – will assign the resolver to complete the task.

Orphaned bookings

Using OneLens360, it is now possible for workplace services to view users which have been removed from the system (removed from AAD) but may still have records assigned.

This interface allows you to:

  • See when the user was removed.
  • View any future bookings still associated with their account.
  • Delete any bookings to free up allocation.

Read more about the concept and usage of Orphaned bookings here: Orphaned bookings 

What's changed

  • We removed filter commands from pages with lists on due to performance issues.
  • Made several improvements to user interface elements to provide better compatibility at different resolution and screen scaling options.

What's fixed

  • We’ve made the following and other performance improvements:
  • From the Analytics > Space > Heatmaps page, it is no longer possible to select a floor which does not have a corresponding floor map.
  • Analytics > Sustainability > Floors/Levels, it is also no longer possible to select a floor which does not have a corresponding floor map.
  • Made various UI fixes and visual improvements.
  • Made various WCAG compliance improvements.
  • Now, you cannot edit time, date, and booking description for inactive bookings that are cancelled or auto cancelled after a no show.
  • Space overview page now displays Today’s bookings accurately.
  • Space type utilisation default filter now changes properly according to changed search criteria.
  • When creating a notification on the Notification page, and then changing a building in the building selector, notification is now properly created for the newly selected building and not for the initial building.
  • Task page now correctly displays double linked space name in the Location column.
  • A task that was created by the system (for example, equipment task) can be safely edited now.
  • On the Space Utilisation page, the Day default filter is not using the current day as the End Date anymore.
  • The search on the visitor list data grid pages is now case insensitive.
  • The My Visitors list now shows both first and last name in the Visitor column and the Filter button.
  • When adding a visitor, PACS is no longer a mandatory field and arrival/departure time validation happens before added visitor is saved.
  • Fixed filtering by status on the Visitors List page.
  • The Building Selector in the Heatmaps and Space Overview pages is disabled under Edit search criteria and is now restricted to only allow selection from the OneLens360 main menu.
  • The Download button on the OneLens360 Booking List page reflects the correct number of bookings, irrespective of the user's choice to display 25, 50, 100 rows per page.
  • Enabled check in to the booking on behalf of someone else if having relevant role permissions.
  • Fixed ownership issues for booking a space for someone else and when adding a host.
  • Added details to the error message for a raised task for moving equipment.
  • Resolved an issue, where applying the permission to add a visitor would also show the Admin button in the application selector.
  • The Select Building dropdown now shows the list of buildings in alphabetical order. If you select the preferred building, this building is shown at the top on the next page load/refresh.
  • After cancelling a booking, user is returned to the previous page.
  • Fixed the date format for export actions across the app.

Known issues

  • Column sort options have been disabled in the user interface, the ability to sort will be added directly to the API in an upcoming release.
  • For the catering menu configuration, image in the SVG format cannot be added.
  • We are still to solve WCAG compliance issues on the Order Policies page within Catering section.
  • Editing notifications still doesn’t allow adding more than two pictures by copying and pasting them. OneLens 360 doesn't save the images, and then it shows "Problem Occured" when re-amending.
    Also, when adding a notification by copying and pasting the content, OneLens 360 removes HTML tags.
    Please see the explanation on how to work with notifications here:
  • Navigating away from the Space Analytics page resets the Edit search criteria back to their defaults.
  • Building announcements are sent on creation time instead of the selected Active / Start time.