Release Notes - Roamer - R2023.01.05

Written By Natalia Povrozniak (Administrator)

Updated at February 2nd, 2024

Table of Contents

What's fixed

  • App no longer crashes when viewing an on behalf of linked space booking on the booking list page.
  • The As soon as possible toggle now works properly and sets the time to now.
  • For spaces that are set to use user preferences, we fixed the default time to be as set in user preferences when scanning the QR code.
  • For operational users, claimed tasks are now reflected on the My Tasks page.
  • The task linked to a Linked Space booking is now displaying the space name correctly on the Task page.
  • Fixed selecting Booking KPIs and each performs its specified search.
  • Adding catering to a booking is not resulting in error 'Booking not found'' anymore and user is returned to the booking details page.
  • Closing & reopening app no longer forces user to login again.

Known issue

  • We’ve noticed that Task KPIs on home page are not navigating the user to the correct Tasks Page tab.