Release Notes - Flex - R2024.01

Written By Natalia Povrozniak (Administrator)

Updated at June 26th, 2024

What's new

  • We created a new Schedule View page to streamline space booking and offer instant view of what spaces have which time slots available for your booking. Read more about this feature here: Space Schedule 
  • On the new Find a colleague page, you can view bookings of your colleagues within an organisation who’ve agreed to share their booking location. Read more about this feature here: Find your colleague 
  • With the new concept of Delegate permissions, you can grant delegate permissions to other employees in the organisation to book and add visitors on behalf of you. Employees of your organisation don’t require changes to their role permissions to be done via IT teams to become your delegates. You can be granted such permission as well to become a delegate for your colleague where this feature has been enabled. Read more about this feature here: Delegate function to book on your behalf 
  • Flex users can now set their Default cost codes under Settings if cost codes are enabled for your organisation overall. Default cost codes will be picked up automatically when you create a booking or a catering order, and you can always edit them. Read more about this feature here: Settings in Flex 
  • The new Space information dropdown on the booking page, if used by the operational team, offers more details about amenities or services in the space that you’re trying to book or have booked already.

What's changed

  • There can be several menus available for a single space. However, the catering order can be created using one menu from the available ones.
  • The Book For Someone Else pop-up now uses full standard MUI components.
  • We've updated the Diagnostics link in the account dropdown to display properly formatted version numbers.
  • Increased the time to 500ms after the user stops typing when searching for another user in various interfaces. For example, adding attendees or booking on behalf of someone else.
  • Separated role permission to view your colleagues' bookings on the map from the permission to view the Find a colleague page in Flex.

What's fixed

Updated with the following builds:

  • IBSS Hub: 1.23.20240613.8  / R3685
  • IBSS API: / 2484
  • IBSS User API: 1.23.8888.17593 / 232
  • IBSS Data Entry API: 1.23.8880.30548 / 362
  • IBSS Data API: 1.23.8867.30007 / 159
  • Pagination in map view now correctly loads further pages as available.
  • When booking on behalf of someone else and using their default cost codes, they are correctly fetched from the system.
  • Fixed returning of bookings within the Find a colleague feature if the colleague has opted in for location sharing.
  • Alternative spaces have correct node ID for recurring bookings now.
  • Fixed search by Work Type on the Single Booking page.
  • The Created At date in the booking status is displayed now in the correct local time format.


Initial release builds:

  • IBSS Hub: 1.23.20240515.15 / R3587
  • IBSS API: / 2350
  • IBSS User API: 1.23.8888.17593 / 232
  • IBSS Data Entry API: 1.23.8880.30548 / 362
  • IBSS Data API: 1.23.8867.30007 / 159
  • If the organisation hasn’t set a Privacy Policy to access IBSS HUB apps, the privacy policy popup won’t be shown.
  • Space Type items in the dropdown lists are aligned across all pages and apps and are sorted in an alphabetical order.
  • Improved the Advanced Booking page:
    • The search results column is cleared when criteria is changed.
    • Results space card shows the correct date now.
    • Assigning a cost code to a booking is enabled.
    • Adding an employee in the Book For Someone Else popup now displays the full name of the employee.
    • Space Type Label is correctly reflected on the search result space card.
    • Space cards have improved padding.
  • Cleaned up the Visitors page under My Schedule:
    • No error appears anymore when opening the Visitors page.
    • Adding a visitor manually sets the Space Id correctly now, and the page is refreshed to display newly added visitor.
    • You can view your own visitors only, and there’s no option to filter by host.
  • In the FAVOURITES section when Booking For Someone Else, your saved colleagues are displayed with full names.
  • Booking on behalf of your favourites works properly now.
  • For Admin roles, the Bookings for Others and My Bookings pages show bookings correctly now.
  • After checking in to the booking, the button now changes properly to Check Out and not Cancel.
  • When checking the status of the future booking, the Check In Time doesn’t show as Invalid DateTime but an ellipsis.
  • When searching for bookings, recurring ones are also displayed in search results.
  • The correct Node ID is used when cancelling a booking despite of what is selected in OneLens.
  • Clearing the edited search criteria by clicking clear selections now properly sets the Space Type to Desk.
  • Fixed several issues on the My Tasks page:
    • Disabled the Assign, Resolve, and Set in progress actions for tasks.
    • Fixed filter to correctly pick up the person who created a task instead of task owner.
  • Completed a big list of UI changes to fix dark mode, labelling, and alignment issues.