Tags in Admin Portal

Create and manage tags for your operational team to use with bookings and visits

Written By Natalia Povrozniak (Administrator)

Updated at September 9th, 2024

Table of Contents

Feature available with app version 2024.02 onwards.


Tags are used to label booking records for structured approach of dealing with them.

Currently, there can be maximum 50 tags per building saved in the IBSS system.

In Admin Portal, under Manage > Tags, users with appropriate role permissions can:

  • View current tags, both enabled and disabled.
  • Delete tags.
    ⚠️ After the tag is deleted, it cannot be used for new records but will stay with records where it has been already applied.
  • Edit tags: rename it, edit description, change the status.
    ⚠️ Renamed tags won't be changed historically on records where they have been applied before renaming. To have an updated tag on the record properly, users will have to reapply the tag. Notify your users about renaming a tag.
  • Create new tags.

To create a new tag, do the following:

  1. Click the Create a new tag panel.
  2. Select between simple and complex tags. ⚠️ This selection cannot be edited later.
    • A simple tag is either applied or not
    • A complex tag has its options to be selected

Simple tag

  1. Select a meaningful Tag name for users to select tags appropriately and to see what tag is applied to the record when hovering over it.
  2. Select whether the tag is immediately enabled. This can be changed later.
  3. (optional) Add Tag description.
  4. (optional) Select an image to visually denote or categorise the tag. You can select from the available images or upload a new image:
    • In PNG or SVG format.
    • 16px squared icon with 1px padding and a 1px stroke width.
  5. Click Save tag.

Complex tag

  1. Select a meaningful Tag name for users to select tags appropriately and to see what tag is applied to the record when hovering over it.
  2. Select whether the tag is immediately enabled. This can be changed later.
  3. (optional) Add Tag description.
  4. Select several options to be available within the tag. Click Add another option for this.
  5. (optional) Select an option name and add image to visually denote or categorise the tag. You can select from the available images or upload a new image:
    • In PNG or SVG format.
    • 16px squared icon with 1px padding and a 1px stroke width.
  6. Click Save tag.

Now, users within your organisation can see, apply as many tags to booking records as needed. They can also remove tags from records while the tag will stay in the system until a user with admin permissions deletes it.