Removing the Export button for a user role

Written By Natalia Povrozniak (Administrator)

Updated at May 20th, 2024

📌 Applies to app versions up to 2024.01.

The Export button is enabled for all user roles in OneLens on the following pages:

  • Booking List
  • Visitor List
  • Tasks
  • Spaces

Note: To request the Export button to be disabled, please contact IBSS support.

To disable the Export button for a certain role, do the following:

  1. In Admin Portal, go to Setup > Roles & Data Security.
  2. Select a role that you want to disable the Export button for.
  3. Open the App Settings tab.
  4. Click View JSON Script at the bottom left.
  5. In the popup, under ONELENS360 section, remove “Export”.
  1. Click Ok.
  2. Click Save to confirm your changes.

Now, users with this role assigned will not have the Export button on the mentioned pages.