Catering Orders

Written By Natalia Povrozniak (Administrator)

Updated at February 25th, 2025

Applies to app version 2023.02 with the following features added in the next releases:

  • 2024.01 Default cost codes
  • 2024.02 View switcher
  • 2024.03:
    • Support of multiple catering orders per one space booking
    • Always Auto Approve setting for organisations

In Catering Orders, you can see the list of all orders within the specified date range, for whom this order is, meeting location, date and time of the meeting when the catering service is requested. From here, you can filter by status and task owner, search by name or host, and manage catering orders.

If you change the date for which you want to view catering orders, you can quickly go back to today's orders by clicking the view switcher.

Here, you'll be able to view upcoming and completed orders for today.

Managing catering orders

Select an order and click the pencil icon to:

  • View it 
  • Change the status
  • Edit order details

Editing a catering order

Click Edit Order to view more details:

  • How many catering orders are bound to this space booking. There can be several of them, and you can manage them individually.
  • What food is ordered in each catering order
  • In what quantity
  • Host name of the main space booking
  • Space room location
    ⚠️ Mind that bookings can be moved across floors and buildings. Catering Order is automatically cancelled if the booking is moved to another building.
  • Time for when they asked it to be delivered
  • Time for when they've asked it to be cleaned up. If this is not indicated, clean-up time will be set to the end time of the associated booking.
  • Billing info according to cost codes
  • Cost of each catering order
  • Internal notes if any. You can add yours.

When created, a catering order is assigned automatically to the person or group of persons who are defined as Catering Manager in the booking policy. The person who has the appropriate permission approves it and moves on to processing. Read more about Catering Manager role within booking policies here: Catering Manager and Floor Manager roles.

Changing the status of the catering order

To manage catering orders or change their status, you need to have appropriate permissions.

To change the order status, open the order and use the corresponding buttons on the bottom left depending on what stage the order is currently in. There are the following catering order statuses:

  • Pending Approval once the order has been created.
    ⚠️ An organisation may choose to set all catering orders to be automatically approved by setting the value to 1 for the AlwaysApproveCateringOrders building parameter.
  • Approved or declined (Not Approved)
  • Ready for prep
  • Ready for delivery (in time or late)
  • Delivered
  • Delivery issue
  • Cleared up (in time or late). After this, the status of the order is Completed.
  • Cancellation Pending
  • Cancel order - Charge, Cancel order - No charge
  • Completed

⚠️ Changing any status for the order on the slide-out panel, closes it. To retain the selected view, open the catering order for editing and change the status there.

How booking updates affect associated catering orders

In Catering Orders, the essential part are service time slots that are associated (Service and Clean-up). If the user edits the associated booking that has one or more catering orders, what happens next will depend on what has changed about the booking and on the initial Catering Order status. Here are the main scenarios.


In all scenarios, the following applies to the approval status upon booking change, regardless of the current status where the order has been before the change:

  • In organisations with Automatic Approval, the state of the order becomes Approved, and the user has to confirm their updates to the booking.
  • In organisations that required approval after a change, the catering order status becomes Pending Approval, and the user is notified about this.

Service Time Change Scenarios

  1. If the space booking is changed within one building.
Booking change made by user Service Time Change Effect on user
Space changed No change Confirmation from the user is required to process the change.
Date changed
Booking end time extended
Booking start time brought forward
Booking start time moved to later time

Service Time = Booking Start

Clean-Up Time = Booking End

User has to come back to the catering order and change service and clean-up time as original if necessary.
Booking end time reduced

2. Space booking is moved to another building.

Booking change made by user Catering Order Status
before the change
Catering Order Status
before the change
Effect on user
Building is changed Approved or any other state Cancellation Pending Catering order will be cancelled (with charge or no charge). The user has to come back to the space booking and add new catering orders.

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