Release Notes - 2022-04-27

Written By Sam Walton (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 16th, 2023

Table of Contents

Applies to iOS version 1.11.558, Android version 1.11.462

What's New

  1. Updated the behaviour of the "All Day" to show the correct duration in the booking summary page and the "My Bookings" view. [7037]
  2. Updated the Space Information Page so that when there is more than 1 active task for a space, a more button is now shown.


  1. Fixed an issue with loading the home screen map
  2. "Alternative Suggestions" was returning back unavailable spaces. [5148]
  3. Fixed an issue with a scanning loop causing multiple refreshes. [7461]
  4. Fixed an issue with dragging over the filter pull-out causing the map zoom to stop working. [7070]