Release Notes - R2023.01.03 - 2023-10-13

Written By Noel Thethy (Super Administrator)

Updated at December 12th, 2023

What’s New?

As we continue to release updates, we keep adding new features to our products. Here’s what we added to the product:

  • Now, you can update the bookings list directly from the action bar above the table, rather than having to refresh the whole page.
  • There are several updated translations.

What’s Fixed?

We’ve implemented the following fix to resolve the issue found in the product:

  • Several labels appearing throughout the UI were hardcoded. Now, all UI labels are translated when switched to available languages.
  • Search filters would allow a user to select conflicting Work Type and Space Type criteria, this no longer happens.

Known Issues

This time, we know of one issue that users of Flex may currently encounter. It goes without saying that we are already in the process of fixing it:

  • There are several pages that contain visual alignment issues as we continue to progress towards moving to a new standard of component library. While these should not impact overall usability, we are aware that this means the user interface may not be ideal.