Catering Orders

Written By Natalia Povrozniak (Administrator)

Updated at March 12th, 2024

📌 Applies to app version 2023.02 or later

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In Catering Orders, you can see the list of all orders within the specified date range, for whom this order is, meeting location, date and time of the meeting when the catering service is requested. From here, you can filter by status and task owner, search by name or host, and manage catering orders.

Select an order to do the following:

  • Approve an order (if you have appropriate role permissions)
  • Set the status for a catering task to In-progress
  • Mark a catering task as Resolved
  • Cancel a catering task

Select an order to view or edit the order details.

Opening an order provides more details about the following:

  • What food is ordered
  • In what quantity
  • Host name
  • Room location
  • When they asked it to be delivered
  • When they've asked it to be cleaned up. If this is not indicated, clean-up time will be set to the associated booking end time.
  • Billing info according to cost codes
  • Internal notes if any, you can add yours
  • Cost

When created, a catering order is assigned automatically to the person defined as Catering Manager in the booking policy, gets automatically approved and moves on to processing. Read more about Catering Manager role within booking policies here: Catering Manager and Floor Manager roles.

When the order is completed, Catering Manager changes the status to Delivered, and then Cleared to indicate that the room has been cleaned up.