Assigning spaces to a booking policy

Learn how to assign space to a booking policy and effectively implement it.

Written By Noel Thethy (Super Administrator)

Updated at April 12th, 2024

Applies to version 2023.01 and later

⚠️ Important: A space can only be assigned to a single policy at a time. You cannot remove a space from a policy manually, only add the needed space to a different policy, which will then remove it from other policies. It is essential that you choose the policy that is right for your business or define new policies.

To create a booking policy, please see the following guides:

After creating a booking policy, you may assign some spaces to adhere to the rules defined in the policy. For this:

  1. Navigate to the Manage section of the menu and click Booking Policy.
  1. A list of the available booking policies is shown.

  1. Select a the booking policy that you wish to assign spaces to, and click the blue ASSIGN SPACES button.

  1. In the window that opens, the left list shows all spaces configured for the selected building, and the right list shows spaces assigned to the selected policy.

Clicking the single arrow moves the selected items, clicking the double arrow will move all items at once.

  1. Click Save to confirm your actions.

Once assigned to a policy, bookings made for the chosen spaces will have all defined validations applied.

Many businesses look to apply different policies to different workspaces throughout their building. A policy applied to larger meeting rooms may be more strict than policies applied to single-person workspaces such as desks.