Understanding Booking Policies: Guidelines for Efficient Space Bookings and Usage

This article outlines booking policies and their implications to ensure that space utilisation is optimised

Written By Noel Thethy (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 28th, 2024

Booking Policies

From release 2023.01, the IBSS platform is able to handle the creation and storing of multiple booking policies. Each bookable space within the system needs to have a policy assigned. A more generic policy may be applicable to desks or a more detailed/constrained policy may be applied to meeting rooms and other spaces as needed.


What are booking policies

Booking policies serve as essential frameworks that govern the process of bookings spaces for various purposes. Whether it's a conference room, a general meeting room, or a desk, these policies establish rules and guidelines to ensure smooth and fair utilisation of spaces.

A booking policy defines how a certain space type can be booked. They define when spaces can be booked, which dates may be excluded, and the rules for starting and ending bookings in addition to how the booking behaves in the system once created by the end-user. You can use those settings to foster certain booking patterns or limit unwanted behaviour.

Policies are typically created by the owners or administrators of the different spaces types and play a crucial role in maintaining order, maximising efficiency, and accommodating various user requirements.

When creating or exploring an existing booking policy, make the most of the available options in the sections:

  • Policy Information
  • Slots
  • Excluded Dates
  • Duration Limits
  • Behaviours
  • Approvals
  • External Services

1 - Policy Information

Policy Name. Define the name of the policy that only admins will see. 

Policy Description. Add a description that all end users will see detailing what the policy is used for or what restrictions are in place. Keep the consistent message across all your booking policies to help others with booking effectively.

⚠️ Remember to always add descriptions to your booking policies to let your organisation know what are the limitations that you've set for using the spaces. They will learn about space booking limitations only from the descriptions in Flex or Roamer.

✅ Limit your description to 170 characters to be properly displayed to users in IBSS apps on the space information screens.

Examples of a description

Your booking policy input
Desks are available to book up to 2 weeks in advance, Monday - Friday, between 07:00 and 19:00 for a minimum time of 4 hours and a maximum time of 12 hours. On the day, if free, you will be able to check in 1 hour early. If you fail to check in within 30 minutes of the booking start time, the booking will auto-cancel.
Internal Meeting Rooms are available to book up to 60 days in advance,  Monday - Friday, between 09:00 and 17:00 for a minimum time of 30 minutes and a maximum time of 8 hours. Internal Meeting Rooms can only be booked to start on the hour or half-past the hour. On the day, if free, you will be able to check in 1 hour early. If you fail to check in within 30 minutes of the booking start time, the booking will auto-cancel.
Client Meeting Rooms are available to book up from 7 days to 90 days in advance, to allow time for approval. From Monday to Friday, between 09:00 and 17:00 for a minimum time of 30 minutes and a maximum time of 8 hours. Client Meeting Rooms can only be booked to start on the hour or half-past the hour. On the day, if free, you will be able to check in 1 hour early. If you fail to check in within 30 minutes of the booking start time, the booking will auto-cancel. 
Space booking policy makes this space is available from Monday to Friday between 07:00 and 19:00 and can be booked to start at the top of the hour or half-past the hour only. Duration is set for a maximum of 8 hours. Spaces can be booked up to 14 days in advance.

2 - Slots

One fundamental aspect of booking policies is determining when spaces can be booked. This includes specifying the availability of spaces during different times of the day and days of the week.

Define at which times bookings are possible. As your booking policies are different for desks, meeting rooms, and other spaces, these time slots can be adjusted accordingly. Different slots can be allocated on each working day offering more flexibility than a static booking approach.

Examples of slots settings

Your booking policy input Explanation
Mon - Fri - 07:00 - 19:00 Desk bookings that last longer than until 19:00 cannot be made. All should end by 19:00.
Mon - Fri - 07:00 - 17:00 Meeting room bookings that last longer than until 17:00 cannot be made. All should end by 17:00.

9:00 to 11:00

or from 14:00 to 18:00 on weekdays

Bookings of desks are not allowed into the evening, because the space it utilised by other services, or simply the support staff are unavailable during this time.




Meeting rooms allow booking only within these time ranges.

3 - Excluded Dates

The excluded dates section allows you to define days on which bookings are not possible. This could include:

  • National Holidays
  • Planned maintenance or building closures
  • Company meetings or special events

If a date is added to this section, users will be unable to book the assigned spaces for the duration and will be notified in the application that booking is not allowed. Specifying such dates helps manage spaces effectively and avoid having to disappoint users by cancelling bookings later.

4 - Duration Limits

The rules for when a booking can start and end are vital to ensure efficient space utilisation and fairness among users. Policies can specify the minimum and maximum duration for reservations, allowing for efficient scheduling.

This section allows you to define flexible or fixed time durations for when a booking is created. There are to tabs within this section:


Configurable Limits

This option allows a flexible booking time anywhere between the minimum and maximum defined duration.

Fixed Time Limits

This option allows booking spaces only at fixed durations that you set in minutes.

✅ Mind typical booking duration for the space type that will be assigned to this policy. When people typically search for spaces for shorter or longer periods than the Fixed Time Limits that you set here, they won't see these spaces that are assigned to this policy in the search results.

Examples of duration settings

Your booking policy input Explanation
Configurable limits
Minimum: 240 minutes, Maximum: 720 minutes Desk bookings cannot be shorter than 4 hours.
Minimum: 30 minutes, Maximum: 480 minutes Meetings are limited to 8 hours and cannot be shorter than 30 minutes.
Minimum: 60 minutes, Maximum: 480 minutes Meetings are limited to 8 hours.
Fixed Time Limits
30, 60, 180 Meetings are allowed only for 30 minutes, 1 hour, or 2 hours 30 minutes.

5 - Default Setup and Reset Times

With this setting, you reserve time for setup and reset activities before and after bookings of the spaces under this policy. This way you ensure that the spaces do not have back-to-back bookings to allow for proper space maintenance. Set to 0 to turn this setting off if the spaces under this policy do not require any maintenance. Users in your organisation can still make on-demand cleaning requests for the spaces in this case.

If a user selects an alternative furniture layout or books a linked space, this setting is overridden by the corresponding space configuration that regulates linked space bookings.

6 - Behaviours

Start and End Intervals

Policies can also define specific times when booking may be allowed to start or end, to ensure any additional support services around those spaces get time to carry out any regular activities.

This section details the times at which a booking is allowed to start and end:

  • By selecting Repeating start and end interval you select at which times a booking may start or end in a repeating pattern.
    ⚠️ If you want your users to be able to book for as soon as possible, set Repeating start and end interval to Any.
  • By selecting Specific start and end interval you can specify exact time intervals that a booking might start on.

Examples for repeating start and end interval

Your booking policy input Explanation

Repeating start interval: 

Repeating end interval: 

Users can book for as soon as possible.

Repeating start interval: 
15 minutes

Repeating end interval: 
15 minutes

Bookings can be created on every 15-minute slot.

Allowed are the following start times for a recurring booking, for example:

  • 12:00
  • 13:15
  • 09:30
  • 17:45

✅ Any hour ending in XX:00, XX:15, XX:30, XX:45 is allowed in this case.

❌ Not allowed:

  • 12:10
  • 09:05
  • 15:35

⚠️ This setting has impact on users in the following scenarios:

  • Booking at Inspire
  • Creating an ASAP booking in Roamer


  • Booking at Inspire will try and start the booking "now" which may not align with the restriction around start time. Or if you have a restricted end time, the time selected by the user may not align with the end time defined in the policy.
  • Doing an ASAP search in Roamer, will launch a query with a time of "now", but because this may not align with the specific start times, it could result in the search results returning empty. For example, none of the spaces allow for a booking to start now and if now is 10:12. So, if the policy only allows for start times of 0, 10, 20, 30, etc., no search results will be displayed.


Our recommendation:

  • Remember to state the allowed start and end times in Policy description.
  • Refrain from using too strict limitations on start and end booking times for space types that are usually booked ad hoc.

Specific start interval:

Every: 09:00, 14:00, 16:00

Specific end interval:

Every: 10:00, 15:00, 17:00

Booking may only start on:

  • 09:00
  • 14:00
  • 16:00

And a booking may only end on:

  • 10:00
  • 15:00
  • 17:00

Combined, this means booking may only be in the following slots:

  • 09:00-10:00
  • 14:00-15:00
  • 16:00-17:00


Booking policies can now define for specific spaces how you might want to allow users to be checked in automatically, for example, not scan a QR code to validate that they are in the space.

⚠️ Using this setting prevents from having reliable data about what bookings were actually checked in and used.

Example for auto-check-in

Turned off Requires users to check-in via QR code in Roamer, at the Unity tablet, or manually via Flex.
Turned on Users won't have to check in. Operational users won't see reliable analytics about bookings where users actually showed up.

Early Check-In Threshold

This setting defines how early a user can check into their booking provided the space is available prior to their slot. This provides a smoother user experience, allowing them to check in at a time that suits them, rather than having to wait for the booking start time exactly.

Example for Early Check-In Threshold

15 If a user books a space at 09:00 AM, they will be able to check into the booking from 8:45 if the space isn't booked at this time.
60 Hosts can check-in up to an hour early for their desk.

⚠️ However, if both settings – auto check-in and early check-in – are enabled, auto check-in precedes, and there will not be any Check In button displayed for user in Flex and Roamer. For Unity and Inspire, early check in remains available.


The policies also allow for much more control on how you want to handle the cancellation of bookings. For example, you may not want to cancel a desk booking in case they show up later. Or for a meeting room, you may only want to give people a 20 minute grace period for the booking after which the booking is cancelled to make it available to others.

Example of Cancellation Threshold

30 After 30 minutes the space is cancelled, if the host does not claim it by checking in.

Booking Horizons

Use this setting to define the shortest period (Minimum Booking Horizon, in days) when your users can start booking for and how far in advance they can book (Maximum Booking Horizon).

This should help ensure for certain high-value spaces that they aren't pre-booked several months in advance to give everyone a fair chance at making a booking based on when they become available.
To make sure for fairness, booking policies can also be used to define how short a leeway needs to be provided to make a booking or how far in advance it can be made.

⚠️ Remember that Booking horizon is a rolling period that changes with every start and end interval that you have set up under the booking duration section.

Minimum Booking Horizon

This defines how short-notice a user can book a space.

Maximum Booking Horizon

This defines how far into the future a user is allowed to book.

Example of booking horizon settings

Maximum Booking Horizon: 0 You can only book for today

Minimum Booking Horizon: 0

Maximum Booking Horizon: 7

You can book for current day and for the next 7 days.

And if the Duration Limit is set to 15 minutes, then on Tuesday at 1 PM, your organisation is able to book for the next week until Tuesday 1 PM sharp. They cannot book a meeting to start or end on Tuesday 1:30.

Minimum Booking Horizon: 1

Maximum Booking Horizon: 28

  1. A user must book the space at least 1 day in advance. With the setting above, it would not be possible to book on-demand during the day. All bookings must be made on the previous day.
  2. A user may book up to 28 days in advance. For example, if the date is the 1st January, the user may book on any day up until January 28th, they would not be able to book later than this date.

Minimum Booking Horizon: 7

Maximum Booking Horizon: 90

Such meeting room can be booked only one week in advance.

Booking Offset

Booking offset time defines time of the current day when you're allowed to start booking for the last day that is set by Maximum Horizon.

⚠️ If the Maximum Booking Horizon is set to 0 (which means that you can only book for today), the Booking offset is not used.

By default, Booking offset is set to 9 AM.

✅ If you are using it, indicate this in the policy description for users to know how they can book.

Example of booking offset

Booking offset Booking Horizons Explanation
11:00 AM

Minimum Booking Horizon: 0

Maximum Booking Horizon: 7

Users can make bookings of the spaces associated with this policy as usual for 6 days within your 7-day booking horizon.

They can start booking for the 7th day – last day allowed by the Maximum Booking Horizon –only after 11:00 AM of the current day.


Let's say it's Tuesday, May 4th, 08:00 AM:

✅ Users can book for the current day.

✅ Users can book for any day up to Monday next week, May 10th.

✅Users can start booking for Tuesday, May 11th, only after 11:00 AM on Tuesday, May 4th as set by Booking offset.


❌ Users cannot book for Wednesday, May 12th, because this is limited by Maximum Booking Horizon and would be the 8th day in advance then.

❌Users cannot book at 11:00 AM on Tuesday, May 4th, for Tuesday, May 11th, because this is limited by Maximum Booking Horizon and Booking offset time.


Recurring Bookings

For certain spaces, you may want to allow users to create recurring appointments using the same location. This can be achieved by setting up multiple bookings at once while ensuring efficient utilisation of the space for regular activities. Setting a limit to this prevents users from creating a non-terminating appointment which may block up a space for a long time.

The Recurring booking threshold setting defines whether recurring bookings are allowed – up to a maximum of 52 recurrences:

  • If the setting is switched off – only singular bookings are allowed.
  • If the setting is switched on – users are able to book meetings on a recurring basis (weekly, monthly, etc.).

✅ Mind what is set for the Booking Horizon as it will limit number of possible recurrences. If the booking horizon is set to 7, weekly recurrences will not work.

Examples of Recurring booking threshold

Allow recurring bookings Turned on You allow the space type under this policy to be booked as part of a reoccurrence pattern.
Recurring booking threshold 12 Allows 12 recurrences up to the last day that is set under Maximum Booking Horizon.

7 - Approvals

For certain high-value spaces, you may want to include an additional measure of ensuring compliance by having a manual approval step involved. This can now be done on a per booking policy basis to ensure that only the relevant spaces need to go through any manual validation.

This setting defines whether booking for spaces allocated to this policy require approval:

  • With the setting switched off, bookings made by users are automatically accepted into the system when they are created.
  • With the setting switched on, booking made by users are visible in the OneLens360 administration screen where the set of allocated users can approve or deny the booking requests.

The Auto Rejections After X Days is an optional setting where booking are automatically rejected if the requests are left unanswered for this defined period of time.

8 - External Services

For catering orders and bookings of linked spaces, define one responsible person per service to handle these requests.

  • Catering Manager: For any space where this booking policy is associated, each catering order will have this responsible person assigned automatically to process it, communicate with the kitchen staff, or assign this task to the catering task resolver.
  • Floor Manager: For any space where a setup or tear down slot is required (for example, linked space or layout change), the setup and reset booking slots and activities are assigned to the Floor Manager and block anyone from using the space before and after this booking of a linked space. 

Policies that are meant for desks, do not require this setting as there are no services available for desks.

Booking policies and IBSS for M365 Sync Service

For organisations that use IBSS for M365 Sync Service and Outlook as the primary source for space bookings, there's no need to set any booking policies as they are ignored by the Sync Service.


Booking policies play a critical role in establishing rules and guidelines for reserving and using spaces efficiently. By defining availability, exclusion dates, booking durations, etc., these policies ensure fair access and optimal utilisation. Understanding and adhering to booking policies is crucial for both space administrators and users.

Read more about booking policies here: